Penpyr 32 (HERBICIDES)

Penpyr 32 ( Pendimethalin 30% + Imazethapyr 2% EC)

  • Penpyr 32 is an Emulsifiable Concentrate containing Pendimethalin 30% and Imazethapyr 2% as active ingredient.
  • It is a selective herbicide for the control of susceptible annual grasses, sedges and broad-leaved weeds in Soybean crop.
  • It is an unique combination product with two different mode of action.
  • Pendimethalin is absorbed by the roots and leaves. Affected plants die shortly after germination or following emergence from the soil.
  • Imazethapyr is absorbed by the roots and foliage, with trans location in the xylem and phloem, and accumulation in the meristematic regions.
  • Penpyr 32 is available in the pack sizes of 500 ml and 1lit.

Product Name


Pendimethalin 30% + Imazethapyr 2% EC
Type of pesticide




Packing group




Class - 9 [Environmentally Hazardous Substance, Liquid, N.O.S. (PendimethalinImazethapyr)]


Two years under normal storage conditions.


Pendimethalin belongs to the family of dinotroaniline. It works as microtubule assembly inhibitor. Imazethapyr belongs to the family of imidazolinone, it is a branched chain amino acid synthesis inhibitor. Hence it reduces the level of important amino acids like valine, leucine and isoleucine to disrupt the protiens and DNA synthesis. Selectivity in soya beans and peanuts is attributed to rapid detoxification via hydroxylation and glycosylation.
Mode of action
Pendimethalin is a selective herbicide which is absorbed by the roots and leaves. Affected plants dies shortly after germination or following emergence from the soil. Imazethapyr is a systemic herbicide, it is absorbed by the roots and foliage, with translocation in the xylem and phloem, and accumulation in the meristematic regions.
The combination is used to control major plant incorporated, pre emergence or post emergence. It also controls annual grasses, sedges and broad leaf weeds and they germinate. It is recommended to use in Soybean.
Structure Formula


Physical Properties


Dark amber Liquid
Trade name


Packing detail


Crop Common name of the Pest Dose/acre(gm) Dilution in Water (Liter) Waiting Period




Echinocloacrusgulli, ,Digeraarvensis., Commelina, Benghalensis, Amaranthusviridis, Portulacaoleracea 1000-1200 200-240 90
Name Details
Product Name Pendimethalin 30% + Imazethapyr 2% EC
UID HPM2000K098
Brand Name PENPYR-32
Technical Name Pendimethalin 30% + Imazethapyr 2% EC
Packing Detail 1 Ltr, 500 ml.
Registration No CIR-121849/2015-Pendimethalin + Imazethapyr (EC)(352)-171
Production Plant HPM Samba
Toxicity Symbol