Lok Sabha elections are about to come. On the name of party promotion, Ad campaigns are started. People are not unmitigated au fait with the power of their vote. This Election Is Not Meant For Blindly Choosing Prime Minister, But choose your MP first. Since the ages, we are just following 1 agenda that we have to choose our prime minister first but this is completely wrong. If People Of India Start Choosing And Analyzing their MPs First and not considering National Party Campaign, experts and educated candidates will be elected, and there will be a panel of professional MPs in Lok Sabha, and there are very much chances of different MPs of different parties which will result in Coalition Govt. Once we elect Educated and deserving MPs in our society, the situation will be far more better for our nation. Newly appointed MPs will not only bring change in society but also new policies, new laws, new changes will be brought for the betterment of the citizens of India. MP's have responsibilities to three main groups: their constituents, Parliament and their political party. When you choose the right MP you choose the bright future for your country.